The latest edition of 2016 United Kingdom student poker championship kicked off on April and it will continue till April 10. The seven day long tournament is being held at the Grosvenor Casino in Ricoh Arena.
It is one of the best and most popular poker festivals among English students looking to play poker. In the year 2015, the tournament’s main event attracted 801 entries and that was a great achievement because it was just 544 back in 2014. Cillian Berragan was the winner of last season UK Student Poker festival and won the first prize of amount £6,190.
The festival features total nine tournaments and many of them are common (meaning anyone can play), but a few tournaments like High Roller, Six max and the Main event of the festival are only for UK students interested in playing poker, and in that case t participate to any of the three ( High Roller, Six max or main evene t0 You would have to be a student since three years and should fulfill all the requirements by the UKSPC.
Detailed Schedule for the 2016 UK Students Poker championship:-
Monday April 4th:-
Buy in:-£26
Event:-No-Limit Hold’em £1,000 guaranteed
Tuesday April 5th:-
Buy in:£220
Event:buy-in No-Limit Hold’em High Roller (2 x re-entry)
And another event of £31 buy-in No-Limit Hold’em Win The Button (1x re-entry) at 7:30pm
Wednesday April 6:– ( Total 3 evenets on April 6)
£36 buy-in Main Event Day 1a (2 x re-entry per flight)
High Roller Day 2 ( For students) and £31 No-Limit Hold’em Side Event (1 x re-entry) ( At 7:30 pm)
April 7th:- Two events
#1:-12:30pm for Students and the event is a £36 buy-in Main Event Day 1a (2 x re-entry per flight)
#2:-7:30pm is for all and it is a £26 buy-in DC 4/5/6 pot-limit Omaha (1x reload, 1x re-entry)
April 8th:- (Two events)
#1:-12:30pm the event is a £36 buy-in Main Event Day 1a (2 x re-entry per flight) (for students only)
#2:- 7:30pm, it is a £36 buy-in No-Limit Hold’em Side Event (freezeout), for all
April 9th:- (Two events as well)
#1 is Main Event Day 2 at 12:30pm
#2:-46 buy-in No-Limit Hold’em Side Event (1x re-entry) at 6:30 P.M